The Financial Intelligence Unit is established by the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act 4 of 2008 as a juristic person to act as a central national agency responsible for receiving, requesting, analyzing and dissemination to law enforcement agencies disclosures of financial information concerning suspected proceeds of crime and alleged money laundering and terrorist financing offences with the aim to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and related financial crimes.
About FIU
Financial Intelligence Unit

To be a dynamic centre of excellence providing financial intelligence reports for fighting money laundering and combating terrorist financing in Lesotho and Internationally.

To proactively protect and strengthen the integrity of the country’s financial and economic system.

Strategic Aims
- To establish an effective and efficient FIU that is able to deliver on its mandate
- To Increase awareness of ML and TF activities
- To Encourage and ensure compliance by responsible and accountable institutions
- To foster domestic regional and international cooperation

Manual for
Click the link below to complete the registration form and submit it.

Why Choose Us
Our Core Values
In all its endeavours and activities, FIU is committed to the following values:
- Professionalism
- Decisiveness
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Efficiency
- Commitment
- Respect
- Openness
- Credibility
- Trust
- Fairness